Wonderwoods, Utrecht – robatherm provides healthy air in the middle of the forest

In October 2016, the municipality of Utrecht announced its ambitions for the “Healthy Urban Quarter”. A tender with the core themes: green, sustainable, livable and healthy.

Based on the 'Bosco Verticale' in Milan, the Wonderwoods collaboration showed that it had clearly understood these ambitions. “Live, work and play in nature in the middle of the city”, a unique and special project creating a green oasis in the heart of Utrecht.

Installation technology of the highest level

In 2017, Terberg Totaalinstallaties was commissioned to design and implement the entire technical engineering. Wouter Lenssinck, project leader and involved in this project since the start, says: “Wonderwoods is a gas-free building. A heat-cold storage installation must therefore provide heating and cooling in the building.”

An important part of the installation is the air treatment. Not only must the unites meet the sustainability requirements of the building. In particular, they must fit into the design, which made customization a requirement. Wouter: “Our engineers have worked closely with robatherm engineers to shape the customization down to the last detail. This intensive collaboration in the preparation is now paying off in the implementation.”

Healthy air, in the middle of the forest

A total of seven air handling units ensure the indoor climate of this iconic project. Six, customized, air handling units have been installed inside the building and are used for both the offices and the homes. The last and largest unit was assembled on the construction site and then lifted to a height of 105 meters and placed on the roof.

Construction of Wonderwoods should be completed in 2024. The first trees have already been planned. An ingenious irrigation system ensures the right care. robatherm is proud to be part of this special project and we can't wait to take a walk through the building and experience for ourselves what it is like to take a forest walk in the city.