Excellently positioned:
robatherm receives the EcoVadis silver medal.

Compliance with globally applicable regulations and laws is of major importance for companies operating on an international scale. It goes without saying that we also prioritise the topic of compliance. For the first time, robatherm commissioned an analysis by EcoVadis, a global rating platform for trustworthy sustainability rankings. The gratifying result for robatherm: the EcoVadis silver medal.

What EcoVadis represents
EcoVadis is a leading platform that evaluates companies and supply chains with regard to sustainability. The rating is carried out on the basis of numerous criteria and covers the four core topics of environment, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. The concept and scope of the evaluations make the results credible whilst providing a powerful statement. This makes it much easier for companies to evaluate and improve the sustainability practices of their business partners. With more than 125,000 rated companies worldwide, EcoVadis not only promotes transparency, but also supports responsible business practices throughout the entire supply chain.

How our certificate can benefit you
In the first instance, the EcoVadis award acknowledges our efforts thus far to ensure consistent sustainable action. In addition, a clear roadmap shows which adjustments we can make to optimise our processes in the future. Ultimately, our customers and business partners will also benefit from this, because the advantages of EcoVadis certification has multiple facets:

Recognising supplier sustainability
The extensive and concise analysis by EcoVadis provides a clear picture of suppliers’ sustainability performance. The certification is a simple way for you to ensure that the high standards in the relevant areas of environment, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement are met unequivocally.

More transparency and fewer risks
An EcoVadis certificate clearly demonstrates that the award-winning company cultivates responsible business practices and is committed to continuous improvement. In other words, working with certified suppliers minimises the risk of harming reputations, and the risk of regulatory violations and supply chain disruptions. This provides a reassuring long-term basis for even more sound business relationships.

Building trust for a competitive edge
Focusing on sustainable and ethical supply chains in business is also playing an increasingly significant role when it comes to competition. By having an EcoVadis certificate, companies can demonstrate their ongoing efforts towards sustainable management and responsible business practices.

Reducing costs thanks to a uniform standard
The evaluation procedure from EcoVadis perfectly combines efficiency and informative value. As a standardised benchmark, it not only replaces time-consuming and costly audits, but also enables the reliable assessment of suppliers and their performance in terms of sustainability. A resource-saving solution that provides customers and business partners with unambiguous insights.

Compliance with vision
International standards are a key indicator, especially in regulated industries. In large companies, they often become the crucial criterion when awarding contracts. This is where the EcoVadis certification offers a clear advantage. Indeed, it helps companies to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and thus strengthen their own market position in the long term.

robatherm in the top segment first time round
We are delighted to have achieved an excellent rating result virtually straight out of the starting blocks. By being awarded the EcoVadis silver medal, robatherm is already among the top 15 per cent of all companies evaluated to date. And in terms of the mechanical engineering sector, we are even among the top six per cent in our industry.

A good thing can become even greener
The award is an important step towards becoming a green company. After all, the result validates the efficacy of our ambitious sustainability strategy. However, above all, the EcoVadis certification scorecard gives us specific insights, such as where risks still lie and where improvements can be made. This is a powerful incentive that will shape our green agenda for the years ahead.

Would you like to see the details of the robatherm scorecard?
Simply get in touch with us – we would be delighted to provide you with more detailed information about specific results from our EcoVadis rating scorecard. For instance, we can discuss details of how our previous measures have been evaluated or talk with you about current potential for optimisation.

Building block for the future robatherm
Our EcoVadis award is a major milestone – but at the same time just one building block for a future-oriented robatherm. After all, our complex sustainability strategy has many components. In addition to our ISO 14001 certification for environmental management and highly detailed analyses of the life cycle of our AHUs, this also includes work on our next sustainability report. Another example of our efforts to monitor and minimise our own emissions more precisely is the implementation of energy audits. At the same time, we are working on many other projects to improve ourselves sustainably. As you can see, robatherm’s future is getting greener and greener – and is guaranteed not to be boring!